AquaINFRA Project

Communications Toolbox

Our Brand Assets

The communication toolbox contains project resources such as infographics, promotional material as well as technical brand assets such as logos and templates. It is important that the use of these resources adheres to the project's brand principles.

Be sure to check back on this page for future updates...

Horizontal logo display is preferred, but a vertical stacked alternative is also available. It is best practice to use SVGs or PNGs when placing our logo on webpages, although SVG is preferred for fidelity.

File Name (Click to Download)File SizeFile TypeFile Access
svgAquaINFRA Logo Horizontal V1.1.svg7KBSVGPublic
svgAquaINFRA Logo Vertical V1.1.svg7KBSVGPublic
pngAquaINFRA Logo Horizontal V1.1.png93KBPNGPublic
pngAquaINFRA Logo Vertical V1.1.png105KBPNGPublic

File Name (Click to Download)File SizeFile TypeFile Access
pptxAquaINFRA Project Overview Presentation V1.2.pptx24MBPPTXPublic
pptxAquaINFRA Powerpoint Template 16-9 V1.5.pptx30MBPPTXPublic

File Name (Click to Download)File SizeFile TypeFile Access
pdfAquaINFRA A0 Architecture V1.0.pdf19MBPDFPublic
pdfAquaINFRA A0 Objectives V1.0.pdf14MBPDFPublic
pdfAquaINFRA A0 Architecture - With Print Marks V1.0.pdf19MBPDFPublic
pdfAquaINFRA A0 Objectives - With Print Marks V1.0.pdf14MBPDFPublic

File Name (Click to Download)File SizeFile TypeFile Access
pdfAquaINFRA Architecture Roller Banner 850mm x 2100mm V1.0.pdf16MBPDFPublic
pdfAquaINFRA Objectives Roller Banner 850mm x 2100mm V1.0.pdf16MBPDFPublic
pdfAquaINFRA Architecture Roller Banner 850mm x 2100mm - With Print Marks V1.0.pdf17MBPDFPublic
pdfAquaINFRA Objectives Roller Banner 850mm x 2100mm - With Print Marks V1.0.pdf16MBPDFPublic